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Our Chair on behalf of you was delighted to talk to Westminster staff about neurodivergence and hypermobilty

Updated: May 27

Today our Chair Jane Green MBE was speaking on our behalf on neurodivergence and hypermobility at Westminster, London , England. Tomorrow is a debate on Major conditions strategy and people with Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders. As you know our Chair was honoured with an MBE only last year for services to neurodivergent people and those with related joint hypermobilty conditions including Ehlers-Danlos syndromes.

You can email your MP to ask them to attend the debate hosted by Andrew Selour MP May 22nd at 4pm.

This is done by yourself and you can find your own MP here

We also have a template of text you might want to use but this is your own call on what your want to connect.

Template_Letter to MP
Download PDF • 97KB

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Lets Connect

We are a community-led charity supporting people who have symptomatic hypermobility and are neurodivergent or carers for the same

Registered Charity No: 1199724

Address: Planet House, North Heath Lane Industrial Estate, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5QE

Phone: 07376 973 688

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