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WorldMenopauseDay 18th October- The doctors said I was normal range- but my body had had enough: Red ants were the final straw
New Pain advisers for SEDSConnective
TAPING : useful or useless ?
"It all started with a lamppost..."
It’s spider mating season. Can a spider phobia ruin your health?
Did you know people with symptomatic hypermobility can often struggle with food sensitivity?
Why you need to know about EDS HSD (JHS) and symptomatic hypermobility in TES by Jane Green MA Ed.
The curious connection between hypermobility and neurodivergence
We're now a charity!
'Fluffy Supports'
The Power and Potential of Peer support
Accidents happen in slow time- How being labelled a hypochondriac affects all your life. I went for a little walk...
Trying to arrange care as a young person with complex needs + hEDS
My reasons to create the school toolkit for hypermobiity.
Insoles and the Hypermobile Foot (Hypermobility HM Foot)
Bridging the Gap
One Big Day!
TES Article: Autism : 5 Adjustments Needed in your Classroom
'Carers are more than systems and processes'
AutismAcceptance Health Care Needs in Sussex!
Autism Acceptance Day
Orthotics and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and symptomatic hypermobility.
Living with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Symptomatic Hypermobility
Ballet dancing with Hypermobility EDS (hEDS)